Horoscope Matching for Marriage

Horoscope Matching for Marriage

Horoscope Matching for Marriage

Horoscope Matching for Marriage

Horoscope matching is a practice that is commonly used in Indian and other cultures to assess the compatibility of two individuals before marriage. It is based on the belief that the alignment of certain astrological planets and stars can indicate the success of a relationship.

The process of Horoscope Matching for Marriage involves comparing the birth charts of the two individuals. The birth chart, also known as a horoscope or kundli, is a map of the positions of the planets at the time of a person's birth. The chart is divided into 12 houses, each representing a different aspect of life such as career, relationships, and family.

During the horoscope matching process, an astrologer will look at various factors such as the placement of the planets in the houses, the strength of the planets, and the overall compatibility between the two charts. The astrologer may also consider the dasa and antardasa, which are the planetary periods that can affect a person's life during different times.

There are several factors that are considered in horoscope matching for marriage:

  • Guna Milan:This is the most important factor and is based on the calculation of the number of points that match in the two horoscopes. A minimum of 18 points is considered to be a match.
  • Bhakoot:This is the second most important factor and is based on the position of the Moon in the horoscopes.
  • Nadi: This is the third most important factor and is based on the position of the planets in the horoscopes.

Other factors such as age, education, occupation, and family background are also considered.

It is important to note that horoscope matching is not the only factor to consider when assessing the compatibility of two individuals before marriage. The astrologer should also consider the individual's personality, values, and overall compatibility before making a recommendation. Additionally, horoscope matching should not be used to make decisions about marriage, but rather as a tool to guide further understanding and conversation about the relationship.

In conclusion, Horoscope Matching for Marriage is a practice that is based on the belief that the alignment of certain astrological planets and stars can indicate the success of a relationship. It involves comparing the birth charts of the two individuals and considering various factors such as Guna Milan, Bhakoot and Nadi. However, it should be used as a tool to guide further understanding and conversation about the relationship, not as the sole factor to make decision about marriage.

Horoscope Matching for Marriage Horoscope Matching for Marriage